Become a Member

Membership Perks

For the low cost of $12/person, $15/family and $1/youth (ages 6-18), you can make a difference by joining a wide range of activities.

There are multiple ways to join including by mail, in person, at one of our events/meetings or electronically. We accept cash, cheques and e-transfers.

Please consider picking up your membership card at one of our monthly meetings. Although it may not seem like much, the money saved from purchasing stamps would then go towards WHS needs instead of the post office. Thank you for considering this option.

Apply Now to Become a WHS Member

Member Application

Primary Adult Contact Info (18+)

Membership Application

The GW membership year is December 1 – November 30. If you join in October or November, you will also receive a membership for the following membership year. Our annual membership fees are listed below for your selection.

Type of Annual Membership
You have indicated that you are applying for a Family membership. Please enter the name of additional family members below at the same address you entered above.

Additional Family Members Who Would Like to Join GW

Child’s Name
Child's Name
Would you like to pay for another child’s membership?

Additional Child (Children) Who Would Like to Join GW

If any of your children (ages 6-17) would like to join the Junior Gardeners, please click here and contact us.

CAD$(no HST)
How would you like to pay your membership fee?
You’ve indicated you would like to pay by E-Transfer. Please follow these instructions:

Send an E-Transfer with the following details:
Comments: GW membership

You’ve indicated you would like to pay by cheque. Please follow these instructions:

Mail a cheque to us at:

Garden Wilmot (Wilmot Horticultural Society)
c/o 28 Bleams Rd. E.
New Hamburg, ON
N3A 1G4
Memo on Cheque: GW membership

You’ve indicated you would like to pay by credit card. You’ll be able to enter your credit card information through PayPal after submitting this form.

Activity Details (optional)

How would you like to help with Garden Wilmot?
How would you like to help Let’s Tree Wilmot?